Elaine Parry
Worldwide COVID has affected many scheduled events, and the World Day of Prayer (WDP) is one of these. The service had been prepared by the women of Vanuatu and distributed for Friday 5 March. We were due to join our ecumenical friends at St Michael at the Northgate. Plans kept on changing.
Instead, an online video is available for viewing any time. The WDP International Committee has put together a beautiful multinational service with the women of Vanuatu and representatives from many countries. Hurriedly put together, it’s totally from the heart and must have been a challenge especially for the women of Vanuatu. It lasts 35 minutes and I recommend it.

The easiest way to view the video is to click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edQMgNFdRdo&feature=emb_logo
Extra information, including the video, can also be accessed on: https://www.wwdp.org.uk/
DONATIONS THIS YEAR: These are important both for the women of the host nation and for many other causes in the UK. We are invited to give via the England and Wales Board in ways below, but please mention that our branch is Oxford Central or OXFO 3502.
by text:
Text 2021WDP 5 to 70085 to donate £5
Any amount can be donated up to £40 just add the sum after 2021WDP and your text will cost the amount plus one standard rate message.
by internet banking:
on the WDP website (wwdp.org.uk)
click the ‘Donate’ button.
by cheque, sent to:
Women’s World day of Prayer,
Commercial Road,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2RR.
I do appreciate that not everyone has the option of accessing things online. If anyone would like the booklet of the originally prepared service I will be happy to try to get them a copy. Please leave a message on 01865 727329.
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Forty-Three e-Newsletter • Number 503 • March 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW