Stephen Yeo
All welcome! Starting at least a dozen years ago, there have been monthly sessions at 43 St Giles (also known as ‘Poems I like and why I like them’), in which Friends and friends of Friends meet to read and talk about poems (not written by us). The sessions are always on Mondays from 16:00 till 18:00, and the precise Mondays are agreed two or three months in advance, as are the (entirely voluntary) themes, which help us choose a poem to share. There are usually between ten and fifteen of us. If you would like to be added to Stephen Yeo’s circulation list please email him at the address below. All welcome! The next three Monday sessions are on: 27 June
( theme: Summer), 25 July (theme: Laughter), and 22 August (theme: Travel). Themes are just to help us choose a poem to share; ANY poem we like is always welcome.

Among people already on the circulation list, as well as among Young Friends, there has recently been an interest in the possibility of starting a new and different group while continuing the old one in its well-tried format. This new group could be called something like ‘fFriends who write and would like to share’. It would be an autonomous group, preferably meeting in person but also on Zoom, and/or it might occupy a (monthly?) slot in Friday with Friends. It would need a new convenor while Stephen continues with the existing group and shares his list. Each time it met, perhaps one writer or would-be writer could introduce their work for, say, half an hour, then open it up for discussion for the rest of the time. The work-in-progress could be of any kind: prose or poetry, towards an academic thesis or not, fictional or familial or something else altogether. If you would like to take part in, shape, or (better still) convene this new group please email Stephen at:
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 518 • June 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers