Pastoral Care Group
If you live on your own, how do you feel about the process of getting older and its difficulties?
Would you like to have a chance to meet with others in a similar situation, to share joys and anxieties, and to support each other?

Why not come along to 43 St Giles on Tuesday 28 June at about 11:00 in the morning? Coffee/tea and cake will be provided by the Kindness Café, and we can have a friendly get-together sharing some of these issues and maybe thinking about how we can
mutually support one another.
If you want to know more, contact
Jane Mactaggart (01865) 558555,
Caroline Worth (01865) 433219, or
Jacqui Ferguson (01865) 557960.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 518 • June 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers