Elisabeth Salisbury
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS) was set up three years ago, in properties belonging to Churches Together in Central Oxford (CTCO), to provide overnight accommodation to the homeless and rough sleepers of Oxford. It was a great success.

Then the pandemic struck. Because of COVID restrictions it was not possible to operate the shelters this winter. Rough sleepers were given temporary accommodation under the ‘Everyone In’ initiative. But the trustees of OWNS went on thinking about how to serve the homeless and vulnerably housed. There is a real need to provide support and companionship to this community as feelings of isolation and loneliness have increased during the pandemic.
Hence the ‘Living Room’. OWNS will be working with St Clement’s to set up a new day-support centre to offer respite, hospitality, and encouragement in a small and friendly environment to those who are homeless or vulnerably housed. There will be a high staff-to-guest ratio, and OWNS will work closely with agencies to obtain referrals and provide joined up support.
The Living Room will be based in the St Clement’s area in a building owned by St Clement’s Parish. The next few months will be spent refurbishing the venue; it is hoped the centre will be opened in Summer 2021.
This is a small project but it deserves our support, goodwill, and prayers. If you would like more information you can access www.ownsoxford.org.uk or email info@ownsoxford.org.uk.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 506 • June 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW