Sarah Lasenby
How is Quaker business spiritual? I have been attending British Yearly Meeting for many years, but hardly ever for all the formal business days. So this time using Zoom I managed to. On 27 to 30 May I joined Yearly Meeting by Zoom. I suddenly realised that by using Quaker methods for the main sessions it was possible for anyone to contribute by ministry, guided by the spirit. This made it possible for things to be shared by the people in a way I don’t find in other non-Quaker meetings. It inspired me and reminded me how privileged I feel to belong to Quakers with their business meetings.

Of course, we have Local Meetings for Business here in Oxford and they work in similar ways. At the start of the meeting we have a deep silence. Then those who feel called to speak about agenda items wait to be called. It is customary not to speak twice. At the end we are silent for as long as it takes to write the minute. This is then placed before the meeting for agreement or changes. Once you get the hang of it, you will probably realise how much better is to agree the minute at the time it is written.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 519 • July 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers