Taz Cooper
YAF have introduced a new reading before meetings to make worship more accessible to newcomers. It was felt this might be helpful for all Friends to read.

Welcome, Friends. As we gather, we thought it would be helpful to offer a few words about our form of worship.
A meeting for worship begins when the first person sits down. We try to be still and quiet from the beginning. On the table in the middle there are copies of the Bible, Quaker faith and practice, and Advices and queries: these give the essence of the Quaker way. You’re welcome to use these during meeting if they would be useful for your worship.
Our worship is based on quiet stillness. For us, this isn’t just a time to meditate, relax, or gather our thoughts. We try to be alert and expectant, waiting openly on the leading of the Inward Light. We aim to become inwardly still, clearing aside the activities of mind and body that usually fill our attention, in order to attend to the workings of God.
It’s our practice not to speak for the first few minutes of meeting. During that time, we’re advised to ‘turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God.’ Our expectation is that the worship will deepen. This can take practice and patience. Slowly, we find God in ourselves and in other people. We hold space, listen, and try to see how the Spirit is moving among us, speaking to us now.

From Wikimedia Commons.
This isn’t a time for deliberate intellectual exercise. Thoughts will occur, of course. Some will be distractions and should be set aside. Practice turning repeatedly to God. If the Spirit places words on your heart, if you seem to experience perceptions drawn from a deeper well, then let these dwell in you and be receptive to the Inward Teacher.
As we wait on God together, one or more Friends may be moved to stand and speak out of the silence. A message may be delivered by an individual, but it’s understood to be coming through that person, from God. Anyone may speak if they feel that God has placed words on their heart which are for this gathering to hear at this time. The silence is ministry too, and we are ministers to each other.
We aren’t worshipping to share our own thoughts or feelings. Ministry is speech that ministers to the gathered community. When you consider ministering, ask yourself: Is this from me, or from God? Is this for me, or for everyone? These aren’t easy things to discern. It takes practice, including trial and error. Don’t be afraid. Try to be faithful to the Light of Christ that shines in us all. If you’re not certain whether to speak, don’t — silence is sufficient for worship.
Friends have found that we use our speech best when it is brief, careful, spoken from experience, and audible, though not necessarily polished. When the inspiration to speak ends, stop. We don’t need a perfect conclusion — be faithful. People rarely speak twice in a meeting.
We observe spaces of silence between messages to allow each message to ripen in our hearts, and we avoid responding to previous ministry. Worship isn’t a place for debate or argument. Try to make yourself receptive to each message, even if you find it strange or uncomfortable. There may be a kernel of truth in it that will speak to you. It may be what someone else needs to hear. Try to ‘listen in tongues’ to what lies behind the speech of others. Then, turn inward, back to waiting worship.
Meeting draws to a close in silence after about half an hour. At the end of meeting, two Friends serving as elder will close our worship by shaking hands. We are all invited to shake or join hands and greet each other.
After meeting, we will have time to briefly share our names, and then those of us who are staying for dinner will begin setting that up.
Thank you, Friends. Let’s settle back into worship.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 525 • January 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers