The Parasol Project
The Parasol Project is an Oxford based charity committed to disabled and disadvantaged children and young people experiencing, or at risk of, social exclusion. It was established in 1991 by a group of professionals working with disabled and vulnerable young people in response to the lack of inclusive play and leisure activities within Oxfordshire.
For children, Parasol runs an inclusive holiday play scheme in Northway, Oxford with places for 40 children per day. Fifty per cent of the children attending each day are disabled. The Play scheme offers children the opportunity to develop through free play and also runs a range of activities including: Bushcraft, arts & crafts, mud kitchen, sports, sensory play and fancy dress.

For teenagers, Parasol offers holiday provision programmes for young people in the city: activity days, residentials, a term time youth group, and a Saturday dance group. Its activities focus on inclusion, having fun, and gaining new experiences. Some of our activities include: art projects, cinema and bowling trips, canoeing & kayaking, tobogganing, laser tag in 50 acres of woodland, cooking sessions, meals out, theatre trips, scavenger hunts, dance and drama projects, film making, bushcraft and residentials.
There is a Quaker connection with the Oxford meeting through Mena Remedios who is an attender and is on the Pastoral Care Group. Her youngest son has benefited from Parasol activities for many years when he was younger.
Donations can be made
via Just Giving by pressing the Donate Button on the website ,
by bank transfer to
CAF Bank Ltd
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Account Number:00034252
sending a cheque to
The Parasol Project
Tower Playbase
Maltfield Road
Northway, Oxford
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 525 • January 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers