Oxford Winter Night Shelter / The Living Room
Elisabeth Salisbury
At almost the last moment the City Council has refused permission for OWNS to open again from January to March.
OWNS (the Oxford Winter Night Shelter), like the Gatehouse a project of Churches Together in Oxford, was not able to operate in 2021 because of COVID restrictions. In 2022 it was planned that, instead of using seven different Churches each working one night a week, the entire project would be at one Church — making organisation, and COVID secure precautions, easier.
Selection and training of volunteers went on even while it was not clear if the Night Shelter would be allowed to operate. Although the Night Shelter will not be open, funds are still needed for staff, running costs, and food and drink for the guests of the Living Room, which is open in the day to provide a warm welcoming space where guests can shower, wash clothes and find some peace from the discomfort of living on the streets.
Bank: Barclays Cornmarket
Sort Code: 20-65-20
Account: 83541320
Cheques made out to OWNS to be sent to:
57C St Clements Street, OX4 1AG

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 513 • January 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW