7 Oct 1931 – 26 Dec 2021
Photo by Benny Gool
Wikimedia Commons
Remembering Desmund Tutu
Bernard Clarke, Caroline Roaf,
Jeanne Warren, Ann Watson
Several Friends share here their own memories of Tutu’s visits to Peers School in 1990, and the Sheldonian Theatre in 2010.

Monthly Appeal January 2022
Oxford Winter Night Shelter / The Living Room
Elisabeth Salisbury
At almost the last moment the City Council has refused permission for OWNS to open again from January to March.

Painting by Hugo
Hugo Spencer
Every once in a while during the Afterword of a zoom MfW, we glimpse some of Hugo’s wonderful artwork.
Quaker Faith & Practice Revision
Tas Cooper
The Book of Discipline Revision Committee (compiling the next book of Faith & Practice) welcomes your ideas!

Being Humble and Bold?
Deb Arrowsmith
Don’t get me wrong; we all need support, encouragement, and sharing perhaps, of what we Quakers are all about and the difference we can actually make within ourselves, our families, communities, towns, cities, and countries.

Juliet Henderson
Life’s a privilege

Three Small Books
Carol Lange
I used them with my two daughters. They used them with their children.

Aims for a New Year
Keith Wilson
At the start of this new year I’ve been thinking that, when they’re formulated just right, goals and targets – resolutions if you like – are very useful in encouraging us to try harder. But if they ask too much, they can be discouraging and demotivating.

Happy New Year!
The Newsletter Team
Very best wishes to everyone for 2022.
Quaker Voices for Mental Health
Becky Riddell
The second annual QVMH gathering will be by Zoom on Saturday 5 February 2022. More information will be available in January from the editors of QVMH News.

Our Garden at 43
The Garden Team
The garden team is putting the garden to rest for the Christmas period and will start meeting again in February. All are welcome to join Thursday gardening 11:00 till 15:00. Gardening, coffee, lunch and wonderful conversation on offer!

Peaceful Youth Research Project
Susannah Wright
A Brookes University Senior Lecturer in the School of Education is conducting a research project about children and the peace movement from 1919 to 1969.
She is soliciting interview participants.

Quaker Beliefs
Quakers in Britain
Different Quakers share their thoughts on what Quakers believe.

Quaker Worship
Quakers in Britain
When worshipping we’re all connecting to the divine essence, or God, or Spirit or – we use many different terms but we’re all connecting to the same thing within that silence.

What did Quakers do at COP26?
Quakers in Britain
A short summary of the action and activities of Quakers in Britain in Glasgow during COP26.
43 St Giles Community Noticeboard Online, January 20212
From the Office
From Quaker Faith and Practice
Our own willingness to love and to give in the world about us is the secret of recovery and the new beginning
Meetings for Worship
December 2021
Back to December 2021 Newsletter Main Page
Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 512 • December 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW