Elisabeth Salisbury

As we are unable to have collections after Sunday Meeting for the foreseeable future, we are starting a new charity appeal system in 2021.
Each month there will be an appeal in 43 for a charity, with details of how to make a donation. This information will also appear in weekly notices and on general circulation.
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS)
COVID-19 has meant the Oxford Winter Night Shelter cannot operate as it has in the past. But OWNS wants to continue offering help to homeless people where it is needed.
In partnership with a local charity, OWNS is setting up and will run a small day service which will complement that being offered by The Gatehouse (http://oxfordgatehouse.org/) and The Porch (http://www.theporch.org.uk/), working with extremely vulnerable and hard to reach people.
Guests will be referred to OWNS by The Porch, The Gatehouse, Crisis, and St Mungo’s (the City Council’s outreach team).
Work should be completed by Spring. It is hoped this service will eventually be available seven days a week throughout the year.
A start-up budget of £15/20,000 is anticipated.
Cheques made out to Oxford Winter Night Shelter should be sent to
St Michael at the North Gate
Cornmarket, Oxford, OX1 3EY
Bank details: Barclays, Cornmarket, 20-65-20 a/c 83541320
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Forty-Three e-Newsletter • Number 501 • January 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW