OSAM Update January 2023

Julia Dover

Last week I came upon this year’s first daffodil in bloom, and swooned – the shock of yellow in a palette of greys and browns! – a flower opens, and I open too.

So many delights to unfurl in the coming months, floral and otherwise. I am excited to announce the OSAM-wide launch of Wonder Days – a variety of events for all ages across the region directly inspired by the collective wonderment of OSAM Friends. Please note the following dates of the first stage of Wonder Days for your diaries:

25 February 2023
Oxford Friends Children’s Meeting will decorate the ‘Wonder Box’. At the end of the adults’ 11:00 meeting, children will invite adults to write their individual responses to the question, “What makes your heart sing?”, and place their answers in the Wonder Box. The Wonder Box will remain in the Meeting House for two weeks so as many interested Friends can submit their responses as possible.

11 March 2023OSAM Area Meeting at Burford
Children’s activities shall run parallel to the meeting sessions throughout the day. At the start of the meeting, attending children will offer adult Friends from across OSAM a chance to add more ‘singing hearts’ to the Wonder Box. Children will then create a framed picture that celebrates all the responses; this picture will be presented to the Meeting at the end of the afternoon.
Burford Friends shall display the picture in their Meeting House until the next OSAM Area Meeting at Charlbury in May, when they deliver the picture to Charlbury. It is hoped that each host Meeting of AM will display the picture throughout the year.

Meanwhile, I shall design and schedule a series of activity days sparked from the collection of Friends’ responses to ‘What makes your heart sing’, to commence from May. All OSAM Friends shall be invited.

I heartily encourage Friends to offer their ‘Singing Hearts’ to the Wonder Box, and also to attend the Burford Area Meeting in March. I was amazed to learn that Burford has organised discussions around ‘What makes your heart sing?’ amongst Friends. From this marvelous example, I invite other Local Meetings in OSAM to do similar.

I would ask that families with children who wish to attend the Burford Area Meeting on 11 March to contact me as space in the Meeting House is limited.

Other activities of note
‘Tea Cake and Play’ is now up and running! Parents, grandparents, guardians and their tinies are welcome at the Oxford Meeting House each Tuesday 10am-12pm. I extend my appreciation to Virginia Allport for cake!!! and her assistance during the first session. Any Friends who would like to help with the group- preparing refreshments, greeting participants- please let me know.
As the Quaker community grows more familiar with this quirky Canadian in your midst – and the sort of opportunities I am developing – Friends are reaching out to me to share their own creative ideas for events and activities. It is a joy to co-create new ways of connecting; I will share with you new ventures as they gather form. I am especially thrilled to support the new all-aged Quaker creativity group, Thursday evenings 7-9pm at the Oxford Meeting House.

A reminder of my contact details
JuliaD@quaker.org / 07529223379

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 526 • February 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW


Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

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