All-Age Meeting for Worship Sunday 5 March 2023

Matthew Gee

Our next all-age meeting for worship will be on Sunday 5 March as part of the 10:30 single meeting for worship. Look out for more details in notices and the March edition of Forty-Three.

All-age meetings for worship are a chance for us to worship as a whole community, where children and adults come together to worship jointly. Oxford Meeting has a custom of holding three all-age meetings for worship each year on the first Sundays of March, October and December. Find out more about all-age meetings for worship in Oxford at:

Assembly of Quakers. Wikipedia Commons, Public Domain.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 526 • February 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

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