Steeplehouses, Social Media and SEND
Nicole Gilroy
Worship and Worth-Ship as a Burned-Out Parent
Eleanor Hugging her Dad who is Seriously Ill
Eleanor Gilroy
A child’s drawing
Dana Littlepage Smith
Falsehood flies, and Truth comes limping after it …
— Jonathan Swift, 1710

Living in the Spirit
Jennifer Wates
Meeting as a group to pay attention to a passage of spiritual writing, and sharing responses.

A Plant, a Time, a Place
Ellen Bassani
A Queensland Christmas is an exhausting business, you know.

Top Marks
The kitchen at 43 has been awarded 5 stars for food hygiene by Oxford City Council Environmental Health Department.

New Kickstart Starter
Joe Collett
My name is Joe Collett and I am 19 years old.

Message from Janet Toye
Judith Atkinson
Janet is grateful to Oxford Friends for holding her in the Light while John was ill and since his death.

Crash-Testing Isaac
Trio Watson
I’d like to thank Keith Wilson for his exploration of one of my favourite passages from Quaker Faith & Practice — Isaac Pennington’s advice to “give over thine own willing”.

Tabora League for Children Says ‘Thank You’
Marg Paton
A big thank you from the children of Tabora League for Children (TLC) in Tabora, Tanzania, for their yummy Christmas lunch, their gifts, and for their families’ food parcels of rice and beans.

Equality and ‘that of God’ in everyone
Alistair Fuller – Quakers in Britain
In 1647 George Fox recognised that God’s light is within everyone. Alistair explains why this matters today.

20 things Quakers are doing to build a racial justice movement
Quakers in Britain
…we put together 20 of the things we have been doing to protect human rights and be in solidarity with newcomers to the UK.

Writing a Spiritual Autobiography
Don McCormick, Quaker Speak
…if you think about it some of the most influential books in the history of Quakerism (George Fox’s journal and John Woolman’s journal) were spiritual autobiographies.

Monthly Appeal
The Hope Institute, Kampala, Uganda
Virginia Allport and Glen Williams
The Institute trains young women and men from low-income families in skills that will enable them to become economically self-sufficient.
43 St Giles Community Noticeboard Online, February 2022
From the Office
From Quaker Faith and Practice
Careful listening is fundamental to helping each other; it goes beyond finding out about needs and becomes part of meeting them.
Meetings for Worship
February 2022
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 514 • February 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW