The Parasol Project
Mena Remedios
The Parasol Project offers inclusive activities to children and young people in Oxford who are disabled and/or disadvantaged. This group tends to be excluded from mainstream schemes, and Parasol aims to redress the imbalance of opportunities.

The Parasol Project is unique because it provides trained Enablers who offer the additional support that some of their target group require, so no one is excluded. Equally important, this also means that families and carers get a break.
My youngest son has additional needs and has benefited from Parasol. The project also has given me a break from my caring role.
More information can be found on Parasol’s website:
Donations can be made in three ways:
website donation: click on the Donate button
online bank transfer: Lloyds Bank, bank code 30 96 35, a/c 00059041 ref Oxford Quakers
cheque: payable to Parasol Project send to Dan Norey, The Parasol Project, Tower Playbase, Maltfield Road, Northway, Oxford OX3 9RG
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 502 • February 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW