John Mason
As I look at those assembled at Oxford and Swindon Area Meeting (OSAM) Meeting for Worship for Business (MfWfB) on 12 November, and then at the even smaller group assembled for the Spiritual Nurture session in the afternoon, I find it difficult not to assume that Friends have little interest in the Area Meeting’s provision of such sessions. Perhaps it is the time of day (13:30 to 15:00), or the type of day (Second Saturday in alternate months), or perhaps it is the choice of topic or the fact that there are other sources of stimulation. But perhaps it is something else.

We have had some truly deep and stimulating sessions this year, and next year looks to be similarly moving and uplifting for those who participate from across our Area. We have been able to attract well-known Quaker thinkers and writers, and highly engaging non-Friends, and it is embarrassing when very few Friends attend, especially from Oxford in particular.
The OSAM Spiritual Nurture Group has arranged a programme for 2023:
- Harvey Gillman (14 Jan) on “Spiritual Hospitality at a
Time of Uncertainty” (in person only at Faringdon) - Tim Gee (11 March) on “The work of
FWCC” (Burford & Zoom) - Tas Cooper and ANO (13 May) on “The Revision of
Quaker Faith & Practice” (Charlbury & Zoom) - Janet Scott (11 Nov) on “Reviewing her Swarthmore Lecture of 1980” (Swindon & Zoom)
The group would very much like to know what might attract Friends to engage with issues beyond simply attending a Sunday or Weekday Meeting for Worship (MfW). Of course MfW is at the heart of our worshipping communities, but wisdom and insight from others in ‘meetings for learning’ have always played an important part in the spiritual life of the Society of Friends.
The slides and a background paper extending what George Ellis said in his talk entitled ‘Intimations of Transcendence’ on 12 November can be obtained from
Other related events not organised by the Spiritual Nurture Group include the following, but again these are sparsely attended.
- The Oxford Living in the Spirit group continues on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 16:00, bringing their experience to bear on whatever reading or concern is brought by one of the participants.
- The OSAM Living in the Spirit group continues to meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 19:30 bringing their experience to bear on a passage chosen and circulated in advance by someone in the group.
What, if anything, would Oxford Friends find worthwhile to attend?
Replies and suggestions to John Mason, please.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 524 • December 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
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