Oxford Community Land Trust

Friday with Friends
Garden Room
16 Dec, 19:15 for 19:30

This will be a blended meeting using the Afterwords link (below)

Anne Watson

One of the things that Oxford most needs to make it more liveable and sustainable is more genuinely affordable homes.

Following the inspiration of our Friend Tony Crofts, whom many Oxford Friends will remember, Oxfordshire Community Land Trust (OCLT) is doing something about this and has just started building 8 permanently affordable apartments off the Eynsham Road for local people in housing need.

It’s a great project that deserves to be scaled up. Fran Ryan (Director and Founder member) would like to come and talk to Friends about the project, following the Friday with Friends where she introduced the project to us a few years ago. Several Friends are already members (people can join for £1) and there is now also a Community Share Offer with Ethex.

You can watch a video about this (see below) or read more on OCLT website (see below) or go straight to the Ethex investment page and invest (see below). The minimum investment is £250 and Fran is on a mission to get 2000 people each investing the minimum to get people-powered housing really motoring across the county.

OCLT website: www.oclt.org.uk

Ethex investment: https://www.ethex.org.uk/invest/oclt

Video about the Crofts Court Community Share Offer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ8C9cDT-Hk&t=6s

Afterwords link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89355942467?pwd=MHZEZmF3UWVwVGtqRnFuMDlqdmwrdz09

Meeting ID: 893 5594 2467

Passcode: oxford

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 524 • December 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW


Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

Friends Sharing with Friends