Julia Dover
Children Youth and
Families Development Worker
(Thames Valley)
The best thing about winter darkness is how aware one is of the light: the glow of the hearth, how lamplight within a room spills out into a garden, on a pavement at dusk. It’s as if the stars of the firmament have come to Earth to offer their radiance (light is inherently generous).

If I walk along a high street after dark, as a game I squint my eyes and behold! – shop windows transform into shimmering constellations. Where I’m from in frozen Canada, the snow glows blue at night. So, it is why I associate these months with illumination.
In this spirit of twinkle, I’ll share briefly what I’ve been up to as your CYF folk. I’ll highlight a fun all-age event in early December, as well as couple of events I’ve planned for early 2023 for your diaries. I also give a taste of activities I’ll roll out across the year so you can dream about them.
Since my arrival in September, I’ve been up to the nose with induction training; I travelled to as many meetings in Thames Valley as possible, learned about Quakerism, listened to friends across the region about your concerns and joys – what I’ve come to call ‘intuitive anthropology’. It’s an immense privilege of this post to meet so many magnificent, wise, friendly humans.
All these activities have been necessary to prepare the ground to seed new CYF programming. Highlights have included a fascinating visit to Newbury Meeting (which included a trip to Greenham Common) and a Woodbrooke-led Restore workshop at Wokingham. The conversations I’ve had with parents who are passionate about children’s provision in Quaker communities inspire and inform the programming I am developing.
I’m excited to meet with Sibford and Leighton Park Schools in early December to discuss innovative outreach ventures which involve communities in new ways. I will be offering a series of creative all-age themed activity days across both Area Meetings in 2023. Stay tuned for Wonder Days, ‘Me and my Sock Puppet’ and ‘To Boldly Go: The Wonders of Outer Space’- to name but a few.
I’m also leading five adult workshops in 2023 across the region that invite qualities of joy, play and reverie into the daily life of adult friends. I will provide more details of these events in the New Year. I’m delighted that Abingdon Meeting has invited me to facilitate a distinct session in January; should other Local Meetings be interested in a similar workshop I’d be glad to arrange.
Some fixed dates to note:
Movement and Imaginative Play: Saturday 10 December 2022, 13:00-15:00 Oxford Meeting House (Hall)
All-age in-person session with games and gentle movement activities that inspire imagination and group fun. Hot spiced apple and nibbles on offer at the end. The playful imps amongst us all welcome, whether 9 or 99 years old.
Meet and Greet Julia Session: Thursday 19 January? 2023, 17:30-19:00, Oxford Meeting House (Garden Room)
For all those in OSAM who are eager to spark the Children, Young People and Families provision with new life – I’d love to meet you!! Whether parents or otherwise, drop by Oxford Meeting House for refreshments and a chat about ideas and opportunities. Those who’d like to explore new volunteering possibilities are also welcome to come.
Meet and Greet Julia Session (Zoom): Friday 20 January 2023, 19:30-21:00
For those across Thames Valley who could not attend an in-person session, an opportunity to meet me and share your thoughts/ideas via Zoom. Email me directly if you wish to join and I’ll send a Zoom link to closer to the date.
Parents and Toddlers Cake and Play: From Tuesday 17 January 2023, 10:00-12:00, Oxford Meeting House (Garden Room).
A new weekly morning chat and fun session for parents and toddlers starts mid-January…a warm welcome and relaxed atmosphere to light up Tuesday mornings!
If you would like to attend any of the sessions above, please let me know.
My administrative base is Oxford Friends Meeting House. Feel free to drop by to say hello, or send an email at any time to introduce yourself, with thoughts/queries/ideas. It would be lovely to meet/hear from you.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 524 • December 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers