‘This episode addresses ways to handle differences between parents and children, children’s interest in playing with guns, mediating conflict, helping children learn how to de-escalate…’
Carleton Crispin interviews Lauren and Megan from Haddonfield Monthly Meeting South Jersey Quakers
The essence of the beliefs of the Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, featuring the pupils of Bootham School, York, previously known as the Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting Boy’s School; founded in 1823 and where as many as 45 members of the Rowntree family were educated. With hymns from Winchester Cathedral and Beverley Minster. ‘Songs of Praise’, 12th August 2012.
As a Quaker in the early 21st century I am acutely aware that I have inherited and am an active participant in a tradition that has benefitted from centuries of exploitation and domination. That is not something that we usually advertise and talk about openly, but I think that we need to.
‘Quakerism was always a very grounding space for me throughout my whole life, but in college, when I was away from my home community, I started to, you know, feel that longing for the space of home and stillness and reflection that Quakerism really brought.’
Calliope George Pennington Friends House New York, New York
In the 1950s, when there was still a draft forcing many young men into military service, a group of Quakers, mostly from Alabama, decided their religious commitment to nonviolence forced them to leave the US rather than bear arms. They moved to Costa Rica in Central America, and helped that country preserve and develop its forests—so much so it is now among the world’s most popular destinations for eco-tourists. Correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports from the Quaker community in Monteverde, Costa Rica.
I am very, very happy to know that where I worship speaks to many, many aspects of a community that is in need, that is in harm’s way, who are threatened, and that’s just how we put our faith in action.