Category Archives: 2023 06 June

Artists, Correspondents, and Photographers

Karima Brooke


Painting by Karima Brooke

Crik, crak, crik, crak

now where’s the flak jacket?

what we report

is re-enacted as sport

ricocheted retort

that grenade fell short

down by the port

meant for police convoy

of super-power envoy

hit schoolboy

and girls – a decoy?

inevitability, repeatability

what we narrate

is born of hate.

This Month’s Forty-Three Newsletter Contents

Back to June 2023 Newsletter Main Page

Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 530 • June 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

The Challenge of Poverty

Sarah Lasenby

Dear Friends,

I have been thinking about the things, people living on benefits are unable to do that we take for granted. We know that at present all poor people are finding it difficult to pay for heating and eating. The real value of benefits has dropped significantly in the last 20 years.

Photo by J Henderson

In the 1990s I worked with Children and Families in Oxford. At that point the County Council understood how important it was to have at least one week of holiday giving families a break from a, maybe, overcrowded home. The council bought a caravan and placed it in Hampshire near a cheap holiday camp. The families who used it often had to double up with another family, but they really appreciated the chance to get away. They loved it. The caravan rotted and the council has never had the money to replace it.  These people never imagined they could go away twice in a year, let alone more often.

Then I thought of some of the things these people could not do because they could not use a car. Learning to drive is very expensive even if someone will lend you a car. Very few people on benefits can possibly own and run a vehicle.  So, shopping in bulk is not available.

There are other constraints without a car. I acknowledge that people did not always have the luxury of a car but in those days public transport was more frequent, reliable, and cheap.

Now everything seems to be more difficult. Bus fares are much more expensive in Oxford than in London (more than double), and in other large towns. Our buses are of course run by private companies, and they must pay their shareholders!

Those of you that use the Oxford bus services will know that our buses do not always run on time and are very expensive.

Food Banks carry some stigma. Though these are no longer just for the identified poor, now being regularly used by working people, like nurses.

In East Oxford people come to the Tesco Express by bus and go home by taxi adding to their food costs. I have just found out that Tesco is charging between 10% and 16% more in this small Tesco near us than they charge at the large out of town Tesco.

I am sure you can think of other things that we enjoy but those on benefits will not have the chance to. All the services people used to enjoy free in their home areas have disappeared with ‘austerity’. This a huge gap in the quality of life for those living on benefits.

This Month’s Forty-Three Newsletter Contents

Back to June 2023 Newsletter Main Page

Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 530 • June 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

Narrated Newsletter June 2023

This month, we are continuing our experiment with a narrated version of Forty-Three.

The general idea is to have a version of the newsletter with the same textual content, but read aloud. This would enable the audio to play in the background while someone is busy with other things, but mentally available for multitasking.

The voices are artificial (AI generated). 

If you are interested, try this out, but then please let us know what you think.

  • Is this a good idea?
  • Bad idea?
  • Mixed feelings?

  • Continue it?
  • Stop it?
  • Let it run a bit more?

Thank you for your assistance in this experiment. Please send us a note at to let us know what you think.

This Month’s Forty-Three Newsletter Contents

Back to June 2023 Newsletter Main Page

Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 530 • June 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

June 2023

Click to Download the June 2023 PDF Version

Click to hear the June 2023 Narrated Version

June 2023 Forty-Three Narrated Version
Newsletter Editors

For this month, we are continuing our experiment with a narrated version of Forty-Three.


The Challenge of Poverty
Sarah Lasenby

We know that at present all poor people are finding it difficult to pay for heating and eating.


Artists, Correspondents, and Photographers
Karima Brooke

inevitability, repeatability

what we narrate

is born of hate.


Monthly Appeal June 2023
Asylum Welcome
Tina Leonard

Asylum Welcome’s mission is simple: we aim to make Oxfordshire a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community for asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants.

The Christian Story
Jeanne Warren

The Christian Story shows us a way to think about the world we live in and how to live in it.


“Why Walk When You Can Dance?”
A Review of the Marmalade Festival Dance Workshop run by Julia Dover on 11 April
Nicole Gilroy

Dance is an art form that exists in every level of privilege and oppression, and is used in every culture to express joy, to celebrate and to rebel.

A Letter from Banbury and Chipping Norton Amnesty Group
Ian Myson
John Dunleavy

We need an effective, humane, and civilised system for dealing with refugees and asylum seekers.


Oxford Quaker & Answer
Luke Young

If you are interested in featuring in the Forty-Three Newsletter’s Quaker and Answer section…


Happy News

Elliott Merlin Riddell



Adwoa Burnley – Yearly Meeting Epistle 2023
Quakers in Britain

‘Adwoa Burnley, Clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting, reads the letter from Quakers in Britain to “all Friends everywhere”, with support from Catherine James.’

The Courage to be a Quaker
Martin Krafft
Deborah Shaw

‘Being a Quaker isn’t just about going to Meeting on Sunday morning. It’s about opening yourself to being transformed and then living in way that not everyone will understand. How do we find the courage?’

From Quaker Faith & Practice 26.50

‘…there is a child of God, one who is precious and loved.’


Meetings for Worship
June 2023



This Month’s Forty-Three Newsletter Contents

Back to June 2023 Newsletter Main Page

Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 530 • June 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers