Anne Watson
Debates within Britain Yearly Meeting about reparations include the Quaker Africa Interest Group (QAIG urging us all to consider supporting projects in areas of Africa that have been affected by British colonialism in the past. Quakers have been working in Matabeleland since 1967 and we are delighted to tell you about a relatively recent area of work that needs our support.

Peace Works Zimbabwe (emanating from Milton Keynes Quaker Meeting) is raising money to support Peace Education in Zimbabwe. The money raised goes to Alternatives to Violence Zimbabwe (AVPZ). AVPZ is based in the Quaker Meeting in Bulawayo. AVPZ runs courses in conflict reduction for community groups like young people, women at risk of violence, community leaders and prison staff.
AVPZ’s other focus is on training teachers to use conflict resolution and students to become peer mediators and ambassadors for peace in their schools.
There are now over 60 Peace Clubs in both primary and secondary schools. The number increases by about 10 per year and is dependent on funding to support the initial training and training the trainers.
Teachers have a huge appetite for these courses. Zimbabwe has recently outlawed the use of corporal punishment in all schools, so this is a huge opportunity to promote ‘peaceful schools’ and a much-needed cultural shift.
For more details and how to donate see
Bank transfer or standing order:
Account name: Milton Keynes Quaker Meeting
Bank Name: Coop Bank
Sortcode: 089028
Account #: 50528862
and give the reference ‘zimpeace’.
Inform that you have done so and request a Gift Aid form if appropriate.
By cheque made out to: Milton Keynes Quaker Meeting
and sent to:
c/o The Quaker Centre
1 Oakley Gardens
MK15 9BH
Include a note that it is intended for PeaceworksZimbabwe.
This Month’s Forty-Three Newsletter Contents
- August 2023
- Love in Action for Oxford Meeting
- Oxford Quaker Meeting August Appeal: Peace Works Zimbabwe
- Hello
- August 11th Workshop – Exploring Quaker Christianity
- Welcoming and caring at 11 o’clock
- Oxford Open Doors Outreach Event 9 and 10 September 2023
- Communal Living at Penington Friends House
- From Quaker Faith and Practice 2.11
- Meetings for Worship August 2023
Back to August 2023 Newsletter Main Page
Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 532 • August 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers