Denise Cullington
It can seem as if all the organisation and care happen seamlessly, invisibly for the Meeting. But as anyone who’s run a household knows, there’s always much to do under the surface which can be exhausting if left to a few, or enjoyable and companionable when shared.

Photo by J Henderson
Apart from the paid jobs – and many thanks to Jacqui, Georgia, Julia, and soon Phoebe – there are all those others who accept roles at the Meeting to attend to finances and bill-paying; to the building works; to care for those who are elderly or unwell; who support outreach works and charities in the UK and abroad; who Elder for us; who run the children’s groups; who take on clerking; who provide refreshments; who garden… and more. Their work is generally unseen and unsung but greatly appreciated.
Some who have been involved in work in other areas might enjoy offering their skills in something different But there are relative newcomers who might not know what needs to be done and might be hesitant to offer their help – and if so, joining in can be a lovely way to feel involved and a part of things.
The nominations committee welcomes offers from Friends and attenders to contribute in some way to the work of the Meeting. Often roles are for three years, but if someone is in Oxford for a shorter time, they would be welcome too. The current nominations members are Linet Arthur, Nicole Gilroy, Bryony Insua-Summerhays, and Denise Cullington. If you want to find out more, we’d be delighted if you contacted one of us, through the Office –
This Month’s Forty-Three Newsletter Contents
- August 2023
- Love in Action for Oxford Meeting
- Oxford Quaker Meeting August Appeal: Peace Works Zimbabwe
- Hello
- August 11th Workshop – Exploring Quaker Christianity
- Welcoming and caring at 11 o’clock
- Oxford Open Doors Outreach Event 9 and 10 September 2023
- Communal Living at Penington Friends House
- From Quaker Faith and Practice 2.11
- Meetings for Worship August 2023
Back to August 2023 Newsletter Main Page
Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 532 • August 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers