Monthly Appeal August 2022

Judith Atkinson

This month’s special collection is for Oxford Local Meeting. We are part of Oxford and Swindon Area Meeting (OSAM), which has charitable status.

Photo by SL Granum

Our Local Meeting does need additional contributions to enable us to fulfil our many commitments. Although it is reassuring to know that income from lettings is increasing again after the reduction during COVID, we still have many calls on our funds. Salaries, both full and part-time must be paid; utility bills have to be met; the work of Oxford Friends Action on Poverty (OxFAP) is underwritten; and there is always a need for maintenance work. We also make an annual contribution to Britain Yearly Meeting proportionate to the total number of our members and attenders.

Please give as much as you can manage, to help us fulfil our responsibilities to each other and to the population of Oxford and beyond.

The best means of payment is via BACS Bank transfer to:

Cooperative Bank
Sort code: 08-90-38
Account Number: 50000898
Account Name: Oxford Quaker Meeting
R/C 1137898

Cheques – CAF or mainstream bank – made payable to:

Oxford Quaker Meeting
and sent to the Office,
St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 520 • August 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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