Remembering Deborah Filgate
Lis Burch
A life of activism and a Memorial Meeting.
Charney Manor Weekend
Anthea Clarke
The Pastoral Care Group’s and Elders’ visit to Charney Manor on 12-13 June.

The Difference Between Quaker Meeting and Other Christian Services
Ben Pink Dandelion explores how Quaker Meeting is fundamentally different from other Christian services.

Quakers: That of God in Everyone
Friends from the American Heartland who profoundly influenced the course of American history by seeing that of God in everyone
Quaker Mental Health Forum
Becky Riddell
Accessing the Meeting House Library.
Charity Appeal
August 2021
Oxford Community Land Trust (OCLT)
Fran Ryan
Addressing the need for affordable housing.
Leadership and Unity
Laurie Michaelis
Recognising when our own darkness is being mirrored, and absorb the ways God is speaking to us through each other.
Selfish at Seventy
Keith Wilson
Living adventurously
An Invitation from Headington Friends
Bring and share a lunch at their new home.
43 St Giles Community Noticeboard Online, August 2021
From the Office
From Quaker Faith and Practice
The joy of experiencing the light.
Meetings for Worship
August 2021
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 508 • August 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW