Caroline Worth

Kennington Memory Club is a Day Care Centre which warmly welcomes people living with Dementia.
It serves an area that includes Abingdon and surrounding villages as well as the south and west of Oxford. Its aims are:
- To provide safe and supportive day care for people with dementia.
- To allow individual strengths and abilities to flourish.
- To provide members with the opportunity to exchange memories and opinions.
- To provide members with the opportunity to take part in stimulating activities tailored to their needs and wishes.
- To enable members to enjoy the fellowship of shared meals.
- To give their families respite and the offer of support and advice. There is a carers’ support group which meets regularly.
Kennington Memory Club meets twice a week, and is run by 3 skilled professionals and a number of volunteers.
A carer’s comment: “Just a big ‘Thank You’ for all you do. My wife is so happy to come to the Club, and the time she is there gives me such a valuable breather”
As a charity, the club receives some grants, but there is always a shortfall between total income and essential costs such as staff salaries and the premises rental, so donations and fund-raising events are vital.
If you would like to donate by cheque, it can be made out to Kennington Memory Club, and sent to the Treasurer:
Hugh Fleming
19 Bagley Wood Road
Kennington, Oxford
If you would like to donate by Bank Transfer, the details are
Bank: HSBC
Sort code: 40-35-34
Account Number: 24148711
Account Name: Kennington Memory Club
Reference: your name
More details about giftaid etc on the website: