Two Short Poems

Rolf Karl Lange
from his book ‘Walking with the Sun’
contributed by Carol Lange


Photo by SL Granum

You say I can be your friend.
I look at you.
My father and yours were enemies.
Yes, our leaders told them so.
I wonder if they believed it.

We know better. Or do we?
We have a future:
“together” we try to live, learn, teach.
You with long history behind you.
Me taking it, building on.

So we are from the same root.
Yes, we are one.

Photo by SL Granum


The friend I never knew
Is waiting there, out in places
I have not lived in.
If I had gone right instead of left,
Yes, my friend, we would have met.

Photo by SL Granum

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 516 • April 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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