Rolf Karl Lange
from his book ‘Walking with the Sun’
contributed by Carol Lange

You say I can be your friend.
I look at you.
My father and yours were enemies.
Yes, our leaders told them so.
I wonder if they believed it.
We know better. Or do we?
We have a future:
“together” we try to live, learn, teach.
You with long history behind you.
Me taking it, building on.
So we are from the same root.
Yes, we are one.

The friend I never knew
Is waiting there, out in places
I have not lived in.
If I had gone right instead of left,
Yes, my friend, we would have met.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 516 • April 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
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