Tabora League for Children (TLC)
Margaret Paton
Many thanks to all who gave so generously in TLC’s Christmas appeal. Apologies for asking for help again so soon but April is TLC’s month on this year’s appeals calendar. I am planning to visit TLC Tabora again in June after a long COVID gap. I remain in daily contact thanks to email and WhatsApp.

TLC provides food for 150 orphans and vulnerable children in Tabora, Tanzania daily, and offers medical and educational support until individuals become financially independent. Each child is sponsored; this covers many of our costs.
This month TLC has started a new fundraising drive to support costs not covered by sponsorship and other regular donations. It’s called Dedicated Donors (DDs) and aspires to create a regular £10/month base (or less, or more!) so we can buy bikes where secondary students have long distances to travel between home, school, and TLC centres.
(The extra tuition happening in the photo right is currently paid for by some Cambridge Quakers. Students struggle to settle into English Medium secondary schools.)

DDs will buy sanitary products for our girls, beds so children do not sleep on the floor and to which mosquito nets can be affixed, bed wetting sheets for the children recovering from trauma, more food to give meals to every child who otherwise would not get one on Sundays, and sports and arts supplies for improved health and creative expressions. DDs will also support expensive and required Tanzanian financial costs like auditing, and enable local volunteers to contribute their skills and gain work experience. All this for £10 a month!
Tabora League for Children
A/C no.63693430
Sort Code 20-97-48
Thank you!
Of course, also feel free to give a one-off donation and feel assured that it will be very gratefully received and swiftly used for the children.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 516 • April 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers