Charity Appeal April 2021

The Hope Institute, Uganda

Glen Williams

Photo of Gideon Byamugisha by Marc Darchinger, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

In the mid-1990s, Gideon Byamugisha’s life was in turmoil. His wife had recently died, leaving him with their infant daughter. Gideon was then diagnosed HIV-positive. As a young priest in the Church of Uganda, he could have tried to keep his HIV-positive status secret. Instead, he embarked upon a remarkable HIV ministry.

Motor mechanics class. Photo by Glen Williams.
Cookery class: many students find employment as chefs. Photo by Glen Williams

One of the many fruits of Gideon’s ministry is the Friends of Canon Gideon Foundation (FOCAGIFO) and its subsidiary, the Focagifo Hope Institute in Kampala ( Since it began in 2003, the Institute has trained over 3,000 young people in practical vocational skills and HIV/AIDS awareness. Graduates of the Institute are now earning livings as chefs, hair stylists, clothing designers, electricians and motor mechanics. They have also acquired the knowledge and life-skills that help them to avoid becoming infected with HIV or to live positively with the virus.

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an existential crisis for the Hope Institute. It was closed for 11 months, and re-opened only recently. In a major new development, however, the Government of Uganda is now funding places for 30 students on short courses. Ruth Ninsiima, Principal of the Hope Institute, is optimistic about the future: “Keep holding us in the Light. The future looks bright!”

Donations to the Hope Institute can be made in two ways, via a special account managed by Glen & Alison Williams:

  • Online bank transfer: G and A Williams Partners, a/c 50323628, Sort Code 607003, Natwest Bank
  • Cheque: payable to G&A Williams Partners, c/- Glen and Alison Williams, 93 Divinity Road, Oxford OX4 1LN.

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Forty-Three e-Newsletter • Number 504 • April 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

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