The Difference Between Quaker Meeting and Other Christian Services

How does Quaker Meeting compare to other Christian services? Quaker author Ben Pink Dandelion explores this question.

Forty-Three e-Newsletter • Number 504 • April 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

One thought on “The Difference Between Quaker Meeting and Other Christian Services”

  1. Ben Pink Dandelion is a well-known, knowledgable Quaker educator with a gentle and effective presentation style.

    The title of this video, The Difference Between Quaker Meeting and Other Christian Services, is accurate but I found it incomplete. He eventually gets to some of the differences, but not until late in his talk.

    Along the way, he discusses the nature of Quaker theology, as reflected in Quaker practices. This is not a criticism: He explains the concepts of silent reflection, the absence of ministers and outward liturgy, and the role of some uncertainty in Quaker thoughts.

    He concludes with two thoughts. Quakers offer space in which to explore our spirituality, and Quakers are not offering clear answers, but are trying to ask the right questions.

    These are powerful thoughts, presented simply.

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