Forgiven for my grandson in prison on his 19th birthday

Carol Lange

Photo by Carol Lange taken for her grandson

I forgave all your trespasses long ago,
long, long ago, when first I realized
the depths of your damage,
your soul in turmoil, reaching,
grasping for recognition,
your need to be loved
stronger than fear of drowning
amid the weeds floating
on the surface of your life.
But now
your reach exceeds your grasp.
The cold reality of steel
encases you
in a world you never wanted,
for you squandered
your innate power and empathy
on wounding the vulnerable
for gain.

And all I can do is forgive.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 526 • February 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

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