What is a Meeting for Worship for?

Photo by SL Granum

It is a time: –

to be still and aware of the Presence of God within us and around us, in other people, and in the natural world

to give thanks for so many blessings

to reflect on what has given us joy – today / this week

to hold others in the light and in love – especially those who are stressed, depressed, ill, struggling, and dying

to bring our own vulnerability

to help us accept uncertainty

to help us realise that pain is part of our condition and needs to be allowed

to give us an opportunity to open ourselves up – to bring our whole self – all of it

to visualise ourselves in a place of unconditional love, and soak ourselves in its healing power

to receive comfort and strength

to pray for wisdom, patience, kindness, peace, forgiveness and the grace to be forgiving to others and ourselves

to be quiet and see what comes up

to be aware of what is really important in our lives and sensitive to our own needs

Compiled by Friends.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 520 • August 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW


Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

Friends Sharing with Friends