Monthly Appeal June 2022

Peace Works Zimbabwe (Friends of Hlekweni)

Anne Watson

Friends of Hlekweni, the Milton Keynes Quaker charity that Oxford has supported for years, has closed most of its activities but continues to fund Peace Works Zimbabwe:

Alternatives to Violence Zimbabwe (AVPZ) runs community- and school-focused training in conflict resolution.

Peace Clubs in Schools supplies a core Peace Education textbook to each school and free-of-charge AVP training to teachers who, in turn, train volunteer students in conflict resolution and non-violent communication.

Corporal punishment in schools has recently been banned so these projects are now vital to replace it with peacefully-ordered communities. Learn more at:

Zimbabwe Flag, Wikipedia Commons

Contributions can be made:

By bank transfer or Standing Order
Bank: Co-op Bank, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 1GP
Account name: Milton Keynes Quaker Meeting, R/C 1134541
Sort code: 08 90 28
Account no: 50528862
Please use reference ‘zimpeace
Please contact us at to confirm the donation and, ideally, request a Gift Aid form.

By cheque
Please make cheques payable to:
Milton Keynes Quaker Meeting R/C 1134541 and send to:
Peace Works Zimbabwe c/o The Quaker Centre, 1 Oakley Gardens, Milton Keynes. MK15 9BH.
Please include a note with your name, address and email, making it clear that the donation is for Peace Works Zimbabwe.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 518 • June 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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