Celebrating Oxfordshire’s Heroes

 Elisabeth Salisbury
17 April 2021

 As an (un)paid-up dinosaur, unlike many Friends I have attended very few Zoom meetings. Most have been thanks to the kindness of Deb when I have been able to attend Area Meeting or Nominations Committee meetings from the office at 43. In April I had the somewhat bizarre experience of being digitally present “On the occasion of the Declaration of Office by the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire”. 

This was an historic occasion in every way. Not only was the High Sheriff for 2021-22 officially appointed on Zoom, but for the first time s/he (and 2020/21’s Sheriff was a woman) is a Muslim, and the Justice of the High Court who presided over the ceremony was a Muslim. It was a ground breaking occasion in so many ways. 

Imam Monawar Hussain, the new High Sheriff, is well known in Oxford and throughout the county for his interfaith work particularly among young people. He is Chaplain at Eton College, a member of the Chaplaincy team of the Oxford Hospitals, and founder of the Oxford Foundation which works to foster community cohesion. 

Not surprisingly, instead of appointing just one chaplain for his shrieval year (a wonderful word I learned during the ceremony meaning of, belonging to, or relating to a sheriff). Monawar has chosen as chaplains members of the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh communities. It was great to see friends from the Oxford Council of Faiths honoured in this way as they each accepted their appointment and offered a prayer or blessing appropriate to (and in the language of) their faith. Monawar will be supported by a loving cloud of witnesses. 

Monawar is dedicating his shrieval year to celebrating and recognising acts of altruistic kindness and generosity by individuals, voluntary groups, and businesses from across Oxfordshire during, but not exclusively, the COVID-19 pandemic. To find out how to nominate someone, you can email mjp.undersheriff@gmail.com.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 505 • May 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW


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