November Appeal Tabora League for Children, Tanzania

Tabora League for Children (TLC) is a registered charity operating three day-centres for vulnerable or orphaned children and young people in Tabora, Tanzania. Quoting directly from TLC’s website, TLC’s vision is to help children to be “educated, empowered, safe, healthy, and happy” – and to grow into “independent young adults with improved life chances”.

TLC’s website further states that its purpose is to:

  • Provide a secure and nurturing environment for their children and young adults.
  • Ensure children’s regular attendance at school.
  • Provide all their children and young people with:
    • sustainable nutrition and clean water,
    • support to achieve their potential in school,
    • health education and care, and
    •  support for their development to become independent adults.

If you would like to help please follow this link online:

or make a donation by direct bank transfer to: Tabora League for Children Barclays Bank Sort code: 20 97 48 A/C No: 63693430

or by Paypal on the TLC website

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 511 • November 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

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