
Duration 10:04



Liang A

Clinical Cases Applicability: menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, atrophy), osteopenia/osteoporosis, menopausal hormone, premature ovarian insufficiency

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the physiologic changes in estrogen levels and the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis in menopause

2. Describe the pathophysiology of the various symptoms of peri-menopause/menopause

3. Discuss treatment options for the symptoms of menopause

What hormonal changes occur in perimenopause and menopause (defined as 1 year of cessation of menstruation)? How does this affect the HPO axis?

Perimenopause: Reduced ability of aging follicles to secrete inhibin (produced in granulosa cells of developing follicles) lack of negative feedback from ↓inhibin ↑FSH↑ovarian follicular responsemaintain overall estrogen levels

Menopause: Ovarian follicles undergo accelerated loss until depletion of follicles ↓ovarian steroid hormone (estrogen, progesterone) release lack of negative feedback ↑ GnRH release↑ circulating FSH and LH

What are common symptoms of menopause? What is the pathophysiology?

Abnormal uterine bleeding– increased anovulatory cycles; With ↑unopposed estrogen levelsincreasing risk for developing hyperplasia/carcinoma

Vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes): occur in up to 80% of women; lasts 1-5 minutes, sudden wave of heat that spreads over the body, particularly the upper body & face; associated with sweating, palpitations, anxiety, sleep disturbance

– Dysfunction of the thermoregulatory nucleus of the hypothalamus (regulates perspiration & vasodilatation –nucleus activates heat dissipation mechanisms to maintain core body temperature in a regulated range, “the thermoregulatory zone”)

– women with severe vasomotor symptoms narrower thermoregulatory zone – minimal changes in core body temperature induce hot flash (figure 1)

– ↓estrogen ↑norepinephrine & serotonin levels Norepinephrine & serotonin lower the thermoregulatory set point and triggers the heat loss mechanisms (figure 1)

Bone loss: Normal bone remodeling– constant resorption of bone carried out by osteoclasts & bone formation by osteoblasts; Osteoblasts produce proteins RANKL and OPG (osteoprotegerin) (figure 2)

– RANKL binds to RANK – a receptor on the surface of the osteoclast progenitor cells promotes development of osteoclastsleads to bone resorption

– OPG binds to RANKL preventing it from binding with RANKdecreased osteoclast development

– ↓estrogen ↑ RANKL production outnumbers OPG osteoclast development & bone resorption favored ongoing bone loss over time

Cardiovascular disease: ↓ estrogen affects lipid profile, with slightly ↑ LDL ↑ risk for CVD

Skin changes: dryness, wrinkles, thinning; ↓ collagen content, ↓sebaceous gland secretion, ↓ elasticity, ↓ blood supply

Vulvovaginal atrophy: dryness, itching, dyspareunia; ↓estrogen results in thinning of the vaginal epithelium; Loss of vaginal collagen, adipose tissue, rugae flatten; pH >4.5 (alkaline); for the vulva, ↓ sebaceous glands, subcutaneous fat loss shrinkage & retraction of clitoral prepuce & urethra, introital narrowing

Urinary symptoms: incontinence, urgency, recurrent UTIs; ↓estrogen thinning of urethral and bladder mucosa, ↑ risk of incontinence from decreased urethral mucosa coaptation or “seal”

Depression: ↑ risk of new-onset depression in the menopausal transition; unclear if secondary to ↓ estrogen or symptoms related to menopause (hot flashes, sleep disturbances, etc)

What are treatment options?

Menopausal hormone therapy: goal is to relieve symptoms, especially vasomotor symptoms; minimal dose for shortest amount of time possible

-For healthy symptomatic women in their 50s, overall risk for complications is low

-For women with an intact uterus, progestin therapy must be added to estrogen to prevent endometrial hyperplasia & carcinoma

– Risks with estrogen+progestin: ↑ risk of breast cancer, stroke, coronary heart events, venous thromboembolism

– Risks with estrogen only: ↑ risk of stroke & venous thromboembolism

Vaginal estrogen: low dose estrogen, minimal systemic absorption, improves urogenital symptoms

SSRIS/SNRIs, Clonidine, Gabapentin – alternatives for hot flashes

Herbal medications: black cohosh, phyto-estrogens (soy) –inconsistent evidence of efficacy Liang A

Figure 1

Figure 2


Hoffman, BL, Schorge, JO, Bradshaw KD, Halvorson LM, Schaffer JI, Corton MM. Chapter 21 Menopausal Transition. Williams Gynecology, 3e New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2016.

– Casper, RF. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of menopause. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (2017)

– Martin, KA, Barbieri, RL. Treatment of menopausal symptoms with hormone therapy. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (2018)

Duration 5:16

I’m Maureen Leupold. I’m a retired biology professor. I’ve been retired
about three years and Steve and I will have been married for forty five years
this year. We have one daughter and a granddaughter. My daughter was adopted
from Paraguay, so it is approximately 11 years ago I was still teaching and I
started to have an irregular period but then I missed the period for long enough
to think could I be pregnant? And I mean I’m in my 50s this is crazy but you know
I mentioned my daughter was adopted so I’m in I’m a parent but I never was
pregnant so how would I know. So I had the test and no I wasn’t. I was beginning
menopause and I laugh now but it wasn’t funny at the time. Then I started
with the hot flashes and you know I think they probably started at night. My
husband was getting kind of annoyed because I didn’t go easy into the hot
flashes at night I’d throw the covers off you know and the heat would be up
and then of course you’d get chilly and you’d put him back on but that was when
I started to try some of the herbal supplements so I think I tried three
different things like black cohosh and you know a couple of the blends that
you’ll find on the internet and I gave him I gave everybody about a month trial
to see is it going to work and nothing really worked and the worst of it was
standing in front of students and at the time I was you know I was teaching a
high school class on the college campus along with you know the young adults but
you know standing in front of a group of teenagers and just have your face turn
beet beet red and start to sweat and you know try to carry on it did just it was
difficult so I finally went to my physician and requested to go on the
hormone replacement therapy and I stayed on that for quite a while.
It was always standard protocol to warn a woman that there could be some risks
associated with going on hormone replacement therapy so I know that I got
the standard story about what to be concerned about
on going on that. I went on the hormone replacement therapy in the summertime and
I was more-or-less getting ready to go back to school in the fall and not have these
symptoms and you know by the time school started I was good and it seemed like
you know the miracle drug being able to just eliminate hot flashes. It was
amazing. I did try to go off it. I was probably on it maybe five six years and
I just decided I’m just going to stop this and I went cold turkey and that was
a very large mistake so I went back on it again.
In total, I was on it for eight years. I finally went off of it last summer so it
was around July and probably immediately gained about ten pounds you know over
the course of a month or two which is very frustrating because I didn’t really
change anything. I’ve gotten it somewhat under control since but the hot flashes
started up again the hot flashes in the lack of sleep
that’s probably the very worst thing that happens. I really walked into a
completely unprepared you know and in how silly that I thought I could have
been pregnant when it was really the start of menopause you know when you
think about it. But it’s very frustrating that I didn’t feel like I knew what was
about to hit. Even today I want to know is why hasn’t there been more research
into this? I just wonder are there large studies on other ways to help ease the
symptoms of menopause especially hot flashes so given that I still have
symptoms I’m still trying various things in order to ease especially the hot
flashes. I have this little fan blowing on me all night long. Very helpful with
the hot flashes. I have a little mister in order to get a little coolness on my
face. I bought these sports towels and you
wet this and wring it out and it stays cooler than a normal wash cloth.
I’m still trying things over-the-counter to see if there’s any help to be had.
Magnesium supplements were one thing. I am currently trying this paradin
C compound it’s a vitamin C compound and jury’s still out on that because I’ve
only started that a couple weeks ago and then some of the other things that I’ve
tried over time. In the end I’m back to where I started in so many ways because
I still have hot flashes and I’m very affected by the lack of sleep that they
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Introductory Women's HealthCare