a. Gather all litter from floors and deposit in waste containers.

b. Collect all linen, dispose of in appropriate hamper bags for the laundry.

NOTE: Dispose of linen from open packs, whether soiled or not, in the proper linen hamper. If linen is wet or heavily soiled, double the bag.

c. Discard any soiled sponges, suction canisters, tubing, and other waste as infectious waste as per local SOP.

d. Depending upon local SOP, the contamination of the floor, and the procedures involved, the floor may need to be cleaned between cases . Move the operating table to the periphery of the room. Flood the floor surface for three to four feet around operative side with disinfectant solution. The area of flooding will be extended to include any spillage or contamination as necessary.

e. Damp wipe the operating table with disinfectant solution, removing all blood and soiled materials. Remake the operating table.

f. Damp wipe all furniture, back table, Mayo stands, ring stands, X-ray view boxes, suction bovie, kick buckets, and scrub sinks.

Roll casters and wheels of furniture through disinfectant solution on the floor.

g. Spot clean walls and ceilings, if necessary.

h. Damp wipe overhead lamps; dry with clean dry cloth.

i. Replace linen hamper bags and trash liners.

j. Pick up disinfectant solution from floor using wet vacuum.

k. Strip litters after each use and damp wipe with disinfectant solution. Remake litters with clean sheets.

Distance Learning for Medical and Nursing Professionals