a. Procedures Performed for an Operation. Procedures to be done before, during, and after surgery by both the circulator and the scrub are set forth to acquaint the operating room specialist with the precise areas of responsibility of these two assignments.

Emphasis is placed upon the fact that the duties of the circulator and the scrub do not overlap once the sterile preparation for surgery has been started. Neither the circulator nor the scrub may intrude upon the other’s area at any time, although it is very important that they consult with each other and that each is aware of what the other is doing.

(1) The surgical team is a group of people in the operating room during a surgical procedure. This group includes the surgeon and one or more assistants (depending on the complexity of the case), the anesthetist, the registered nurse or specialist performing the scrub duties, and the registered nurse or specialist performing the circulating duties. All team members work together to provide the best possible care to the patient. Every job performed in the operating room, no matter how small, contributes to the welfare of the patient. No job is so important that it alone accounts for the recovery of the patient.

(2) Subcourse MD0923, Introduction to the Operating Room, describes the duties of each member of the operating room team. As an operating room specialist, you may be assigned duties directly related to the performance of an operation as the scrub or as the circulator or you may be assigned to the workroom, the instrument room, the anesthesia section, or any other area within the surgical suite. This subcourse will focus on the duties of the operating room specialist functioning as a scrub or as a circulator.

NOTE: The OR specialist can enhance his knowledge concerning his duties during the performance of surgery by applying himself to study the material presented in this text. For the acquisition of skill, the OR specialist MUST PRACTICE performing the duties using the appropriate techniques. The OR specialist MUST HAVE A QUALIFIED PERSON observe his practice until he has mastered the necessary skills and techniques.

b. Cleanup Following Surgery. Methods for cleaning the operating room after surgery are also set forth. More specific guidelines should be outlined in the standing operating procedures (SOPs) of each institution.

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