a. During the preparation of the operating room and the patient for surgery, the principles of aseptic technique must be strictly observed.

Both the scrub and the circulator must be on the alert for breaks in technique and take corrective action immediately. Even with experienced personnel, breaks will occur and corrections must be made.

b. One of the primary responsibilities that you have as an operating room technician is to be continuously aware of sterile technique and take whatever action is necessary to correct any breaks you observe.

Figure 3-30. Placing the Mayo stand into position over the patient.
Figure 3-30. Placing the Mayo stand into position over the patient.

NOTE: The stand is some distance above the patient.

Figure 3-31. The sterile field.
Figure 3-31. The sterile field.

NOTE: The back table and ring stand are at right angles to the operating table. The stand is positioned over the patient. The surgeon and scrub are working on the patient; the anesthetist is at the head using his equipment. The circulator observes and is ready to respond.

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