a. The scrub picks up the Mayo stand cover to drape the Mayo stand. The scrub then steadies the stand with one of his feet (see Figure 3-17) as he places the drape over the end of the stand nearest him. The circulator assists by pulling the cover over the stand (see Figures 3-17 and 3-18).

Figure 3-18. The circulator continues to pull
the Mayo stand cover over the Mayo stand.b. The scrub tucks the extra width of the Mayo drape under the tray so that there is no sterile drape hanging down beneath the stand.
NOTE: The circulator assists the scrub by pulling the Mayo stand cover over the stand. The scrub touches the sterile portion of the cover with sterile gloves. Note the scrub stands away from the stand as he places the cover on the Mayo stand. Both circulator and scrub are holding the stand in place with their foot.
c. The scrub then takes a hand towel from the lap pack; opens the towel; folds the towel in half; and drapes the towel over the tray. He tucks the distal end under the tray and rolls the near end (see Figure 3-19). The rolled end permits suture to be placed under the towel (preparation of suture is covered in paragraph 3-21). After the sutures are prepared and placed under the towel, the towel is unrolled and tucked under the Mayo tray by the scrub. The scrub will then select another hand towel from the lap pack, then roll and place the towel on the Mayo tray for instruments.

NOTE: The Mayo stand cover is on the Mayo stand with the extra width tucked in so there is no sterile drape handing down. Note the scrub has tucked a hand towel under the distal end and is rolling the towel for the placing of sutures.