a. Assist the scrub in donning his gown.
Tie the gown, and then open the package containing the scrub’s gloves. After the scrub has donned his gloves, adjust the scrub’s gown by tugging it floorward by the hem so that the waist will be adjusted properly. You studied the correct procedures for assisting the scrub in donning his gown in Subcourse MD0933, Scrub, Gown, and Glove Procedures. Request permission from the scrub before removing and discarding wrappers for the gown.
b. Assist the scrub by pouring sterile solutions (including the solutions for the skin preparation) and by handing knife blades, suture material, sponges, and suction tubing. When pouring solutions (see Figure 3-10), observe the following rules:
(1) Stand outside the sterile field, near the basin.
(2) Do not reach across the sterile field.
(3) Remove the bottle cap and hold it with the sterile (inside) surface facing skyward while pouring solutions.
(4) Hold the bottle close enough to the basin not to splatter, but not touching the receptacle. Holding the bottle higher may cause the solution to splash and contaminate the setup; holding it lower may endanger the sterile setup.
(5) Do not allow the solution to flow over the outside surface of the bottle. The solution thus contaminated may drip onto the sterile field.

NOTE: The circulator holds the bottle about 12 inches above the basin while standing at arm’s length from the sterile setup.
(6) Do not recap the bottle. Discard the excess solution remaining in the bottle.
c. Assist the scrub with the Mayo cover. The procedures for draping the Mayo stand are described in detail under the duties of the scrub.