Army Aviation Crash Rescue
UH-60 Blackhawk
This video was produced by the US
Army to assist in instruction of medical and other emergency personnel
in safe procedures for rescuing crewmembers following an aviation
mishap involving the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter.
This video may be freely

The UH-60 is a twin-engine,
medium lift, utility or assault helicopter, used by the Army, Navy,
Air Force and Coast Guard.
Some versions, such as the
Air Force's MH-60 G Pave Hawk and the Coast Guard's HH-60J
Jayhawk, are equipped with a rescue hoist with a 250 foot (75
meter) cable that has a 600 pound (270 kg) lift capability, and a
retractable in-flight refueling probe. The Army's UH-60L Black Hawk
can carry 11 soldiers or 2,600 pounds (1,170 kg) of cargo or sling
load 9,000 pounds (4,050 kg) of cargo.
The Army uses Blackhawks as
the primary dedicated air ambulance. The typical medical evacuation
configuration provides for four litter patients and one ambulatory
patient. Other configurations include: (Each allows sufficient room
for a crew chief and a medical aidman.)
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