This video was produced by the US
Army to assist in instruction of medical and other emergency personnel
in safe procedures for rescuing crewmembers following an aviation
mishap involving the UH-1 Huey helicopter.
This video may be freely

This aircraft may be used as
a dedicated air ambulance or as an airlift of opportunity.
There are three basic medical
6 litter patients, loaded 3
high, on each side of the aircraft cabin.
3 litter patients, loaded
across the cabin, with additional seating for 4 ambulatory patients
(two on each side).
9 ambulatory patients.
In addition to the physical
space inside the cabin, maximum load of the helicopter must also be
considered. Maximum load varies with altitude, temperature, and fuel.
The pilot will advise the ground personnel of his/her load capacity.
Litter patients are normally
loaded top to bottom, with the most seriously injured on the bottom.
Patients receiving IV fluids should not be placed in the upper tier as
there is not enough space between the roof of the cabin and the
patient to insure good gravitational flow of IV fluids.
Litter patients with Hare
traction splints, splint supports and foot rests should be loaded last
and placed directly on the floor of the helicopter.
Unless a medical team is
dispatched with the helicopter, it will have no medical personnel or
equipment aboard, other than aircrew first aid kits.
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