Operational Medicine Medical Education and Training

Transmit a 9-Line Medical Evacuation Message

This video was produced by the US Army in 1994 to assist in instructing medical providers in the use of radio communications to arrange medical evacuation.

This video describes each of the 9 lines used to format a MEDEVAC request..

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MEDEVAC 9 Line Request Voice Template Example:

a)      "CharlieMed, this is Echo-2-Niner, over".

b)      "Echo-2-Niner, this is Charlie-Med, send over".

c)      "This is Echo-2-Niner, request medevac, over".

d)      "Echo-2-Niner this is Charlie-Med, authenticate Yankee, over".

e)      "Charlie-Med, this is Echo-2-Niner, I authenticate Champion, over".

f)        "Roger Echo-2-Niner, send request over".

g)      “Roger, nine line as follows, break,”

h)      “ONE, Tango-alpha 6577, break”

i)        “TWO, 39.39,E-7-Romeo, break”

j)        “THREE, 1-Charlie, 2-Delta, break”

k)      “FOUR, Alpha, break”

l)        “FIVE, Lima-1, Alpha-2, break”

m)    “SIX”, November, break”

n)      “SEVEN, Green smoke, break”

o)      “EIGHT, US military, break”

p)      “NINE, Large raising hills to the north, and south with wires to the north running east to west, over.”

From CASUALTY EVACUATION, FMST 0503, 17 DEC 99, Field Medical Service School, Camp Pendleton, California





Fireman's carry of wounded



a.       Medical evacuation request transmisions should be by the most direct communication means available to the medical unit controlling evacuation assets.  The means and frequencies used will depend on the organization, availablity, and location in the area of operations, as well as the distance between units.  The primary and secondary frequency for medevac requests will be specified by the unit evacuation plan.

b.      The information must be clear, concise, and easily transmitted.  The is done by use of the authorized brevity code.  The authorized brevity code is a series of phoenetic letters, numbers, and basic descriptive terminology used to transmit medevac information.

c.       Under wartime conditions and for training purposes this includes radio frequency encryption and the use of authorized brevity codes.  These codes indicate the standard information required for a medevac commonly known as the “9 Line Brief”.

d.      This brief is verbally transmitted in numerical “line” sequence utilizing the authorized brevity codes as follows:

1.      Line “One”:

a)      Location of pickup site in descripitive terms –  encrypted grid coordinates.

b)      Coordinating unit will provide planned route if casualties are located in more than one location.

2.      Line “Two”:

a)      Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix – Encrypted frequency of requesting unit and suffix of person to be contacted as needed.

3.      Line “Three”:

a)      Number of patients by precedence – Reported only as medevac categories applicable with encrypted brevity codes:

1)      “A”+ # - Urgent.

2)      “B”+ # - Urgent Surgical.

3)      “C”+ # - Priorty.

4)      “D”+ # - Routine.

5)      “E”+ # - Convenience.

b)      If two or more categories are reported in the same request, the word “BREAK” is to be verbalized between each category.

4.      Line “Four”:

a)      Special Equipment Required:

1)      “A”- None.

2)      “B”- Hoist.

3)      “C”- Extraction equipment.

4)      “D”- Ventilator.

5.      Line “Five”:

a)      Number of patients by types- Litter or ambulatory:

1)      “L” + number of patients.

2)      “A” + number of patients.

b)      Report applicable info only and if requesting for both types, use “BREAK” between entries.


6.      Line “Six”:

a)      Wartime- Security of pick up site:

1)      “N”- No enemy troops present.

2)      “P”-  Possible enemy in area, approach with caution.

3)      “E”- Enemy troops in area, appraoch with caution. 

4)      “X”- Enemy troops in area, armed escort required.

b)      Peacetime- Number and descriptive type of wound, injury or illness.

7.      Line “Seven”:

a)      Method of pick up site marking- Ensure encrypted especially during wartime:

1)      “A”- Panels.

2)      “B”- Pyrotechnic signal.

3)      “C”- Smoke signal.

4)      “D”- None.

5)      “E”- Other, specify.

8.      Line “Eight”:

a)      Patient nationalty and status - The number of patients in each of the below does not need to be transmitted:

1)      “A”- US Military.

2)      “B”- US Civilian.

3)      “C”- Non-US Military.

4)      “D”- Non-US Civilian.

5)      “E”- Enemy prisoner of war (EPW).

9.      Line “Nine”:

a)      Terrain description - Descriptive details of terrain features and there relationship in and around proposed landing site (lakes, mountains wires, etc.).

b)      Wartime - Include as applicapable, NBC contanimation:

1)      “N”- Nuclear.

2)      “B”- Biological.

3)      “C”- Chemical.            

From CASUALTY EVACUATION, FMST 0503, 17 DEC 99, Field Medical Service School, Camp Pendleton, California



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