US Navy Shipboard Pest Control Manual
This manual is the result of coordinated efforts to
revise a multitude of related DoD and Navy shipboard guidelines, while
widely recognizing the need to update the 1986 “Navy-wide shipboard
pest control manual.” The intent of this revised manual is to provide
current and effective guidance for the surveillance, exclusion and
control of disease vectors and invasive pest species, which may
threaten the health and safety of personnel aboard U.S. naval vessels,
or be transported between U.S. and foreign shores.
At the date of publication of this edition of the
manual, every effort has been made to reference the most currently
signed written guidance. Additional relevant references are under
revision, and will be included in the next version of this manual.
This manual outlines DoD, OPNAV and BUMED policies and
procedures, defines responsibilities, and provides detailed guidelines
for the U.S. Navy Shipboard Pest Control Program. The information
contained herein is the combined effort of Navy Medical Entomologists
and Preventive Medicine Technicians to provide a "ready reference" to
assist you in conducting a safe and effective program utilizing the
concepts of integrated pest control. Your diligence in detecting
potential problems and monitoring control measures is essential.
However, controlling pests aboard naval vessels requires the
cooperative effort of all hands in maintaining good sanitary standards
in workspaces, berthing and common use areas.

Chapter 1 Overview of the U.S. Navy Shipboard Pest Control Program
Chapter 2 Shipboard Pests
The German Cockroach
Cockroach Control Aboard Surface Ships
Cockroach Control Aboard Submarines.
Stored Products Pests (SPPs)
Miscellaneous Shipboard Pests
Chapter 3 Quarantine Issues
U.S. Navy Vessels Entering U.S. Ports
U.S. Navy Vessels Entering Foreign Ports.
Pierside/Onloading Inspections of Infestible
Rodents and Rat Guards
Deratting/Deratting Exemption Certification
Chapter 4 Records and Reports
The Pest Control Log .
Personnel Records.
Materiel Inventory Records.
Pierside/On-Board Inspection Records
Deratting/Deratting Exemption Inspection Certificate
Courtesy Technical Assistance Visit/Informal Survey
Pesticide Use Records .
Pesticide Use
Infested Products
Chapter 5 Pesticides
Pesticide Label
Pesticide Safety
Medical Examinations and Cholinesterase Testing.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Procurement of Pesticides and Pesticide Dispersal
Pesticide Storage
Pesticide Mixing and Spills
Chapter 6 Pesticide Dispersal Equipment
Navy Disease Vector Ecology Control Center,
Textbooks and Manuals
Distance Learning
Operational Safety
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