As a Special Forces Medic given a patient
requiring general parenteral anesthesia in a fixed or temporary
facility, induce the patient to stage three of general anesthesia in
accordance with JSOMTC student manual of anesthesia.
As a Special Forces Medic you must be
prepared to anesthetize a patient requiring invasive procedures.
Insure anesthetist preparation
Insure patient preparation
Induce parenteral general anesthesia
Emergency induction of parenteral general

Administer Parenteral General
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Wall-Connected Suction MachineInsure anesthetist preparation
Inspect the anesthetist cart
insure presents of anaphylaxis kit
insure presents of SPARKS kit
Insure the proper drugs are present in
sufficient amounts and not out of date
Insure anesthetist preparation
Insure pharyngeal suction apparatus are
operational and manual backup suction is present
Switch on, set up and calibrate all
Clearly label all syringes with the
appropriate agent and amount in milligrams
Check all endotracheal equipment
Insure patient preparation
Review preanesthetic visit (SF517)
When the patient arrives, verify identity, and
the nature and site of the scheduled operation
Establish rapport with the patient
Insure patient preparation
Insure a base line set of vitals has been
Insure established IV is patent
Attach all monitoring devices
Insure the patient has received the proper
preanesthetic medication (five rights)
Induce Parenteral general anesthesia
Start induction 30 minutes after last
premedication was given
Induce Parenteral general anesthesia
Muscle relaxation
Diazepam (induction) 0.3 - 0.5 mg/kg Slow IV
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SFC Hill
Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center
Medicine 2001
Bureau of Medicine
and Surgery
Department of the