Special Surgical Procedures II

LESSON 1: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat (EENT) Surgery

Exercises: Lesson 1

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INSTRUCTIONS: The following exercises are to be answered by marking the lettered response that best answers the question or best completes the incomplete statement or by writing the correct word or phrase in the space provided.


After you have completed all the exercises turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson and check your answers.


1. In treating eye infections, ______________________ should not be used.

a. Stains.


b. Miotics.


c. Antibiotics.


d. Corticosteroids.


2. A chalazion is a small:

a. Plastic operation on the eyelid.


b. Benign tumor of the eyelid.


c. Silk suture.


d. Sty.


3. A benign growth of conjunctival tissue over the cornea is called a:

a. Ptosis.


b. Hordeolum.


c. Pterygium.


d. Tarsorrhaphy.


4. If an eye is pulled inward by muscular imbalance, the condition is called:

a. Tarsorrhaphy.


b. Chalazion.


c. Esotropia.


d. Ptosis.


5. A hordeolum is a(n) _____________________________________.



6. The operation in which an extraocular muscle is freed from its attachment point

and reattached closer to the cornea is called:

a. Advancement.


b. Recession.


c. Tenotomy.


d. Tucking.


7. The "exciting eye" is referred to as the eye that is:

a. Hard to focus.


b. Twitching.


c. Injured.


d. Bright.


8. Exenteration of the orbit is usually performed for treatment for:

a. Injury.


b. Myopia.


c. Diabetes.


d. Malignant tumor.


Special Instructions for Exercises 9 through 15. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false. Circle the "T" if the statement is true; circle "F" if it is false.



T F 9. Miotic drugs cause the pupil of the eye to contract.


T F 10. To distribute their effect, instill eye drops in various places of the eye.


T F 11. When cleaning up after eye surgery, stack the instruments.


T F 12. Medical treatment for cataracts is often adequate.


T F 13. The pharynx is composed largely of muscle and fibrous tissue.


T F 14. Laryngoscopy can be done on relaxed, well-prepared adults with a

topical anesthetic.


T F 15. Although tumors of the mouth may be scheduled as a local excision,

they frequently become much more extensive during the procedure.



16. Which of the following items might be used to locate a foreign body in the eye?

a. X-ray exposures.


b. Ultrasonic probes.


c. Metal-locating instruments.


d. All of the above.


17. In a cataract operation, the________________ is removed.

a. Lateral recuts.


b. Choroid.


c. Retina.


d. Lens.



18. The middle ear contains air and:

a. Three small bones.


b. Organ of Corti.


c. Labyrinth.


d. Fluid.


19. The ear is made up of the external ear, the inner ear, and the:

a. Tympanic membrane.


b. Temporal bone.


c. Middle ear.


d. Labrinth.


20. Otological surgery involves the:

a. Eye.


b. Ear.


c. Nose.


d. Throat.


21. What incision may be used for surgery of the mastoid process?

a. Endaural.


b. Vertical.


c. Postaural.


d. Circumferential.


22. An incision through the tympanic membrane is called a:

a. Mastoidectomy.


b. Tympanoplasty.


c. Myringotomy.


d. Chalazion.


23. Simple mastoidectomy has been made essentially obsolete by:

a. Radical mastoidectomy.


b. Operating microscopes.


c. Tympanoplasty.


d. Antibiotics.


24. The columella is formed by part of the septal cartilage, the major alar cartilages,

and the:

a. Hyoid bone.


b. Soft palate.


c. Hard palate.


d. Anterior nasal spine.


25. The nasal cavity is separated from the lingual cavity by the hard and soft palates

and from the cranial cavity by the _______________ bone.

a. Nasal.


b. Ethmoid.


c. Parietal.


d. Temporal.


26. Another name for the maxillary sinus is _________________________________.



27. Nasal surgery on adults is normally done using ________________ anesthetic.

a. General.


b. Local.


28. Another name for a radical antrostomy is the ________________ operation.



29. A sinus operation involving incision through the eyebrow would ordinarily involve

the ________________________ sinus.



30. A fingerlike projection at the posterior border of the soft palate is called the




31. During the act of swallowing, the nasopharynx is:

a. Open.


b. Closed.


32. The adenoids consist of an accumulation of ________________ tissue.

a. Lymphoid.


b. Salivary.


c. Muscular.


d. Connective.


33. The larynx has three functions. It serves as a passageway for air, a valve to close

air passages during swallowing, and as a:

a. Joint.


b. Voice box.


c. Lymph gland.


d. Vertebral structure.


34. The production of vocal sound in the larynx is by the vocal cords that are folds

containing a blend of mucous membrane and _______________ tissue.

a. Fibrous.


b. Nervous.


c. Muscular.


d. Glandular.


35. When we speak, we use the breathing muscles, the vocal cords, and:

a. The lips.


b. The tongue.


c. The soft palate.


d. All of the above.


36. Damage to or paralysis of the laryngeal nerves will cause an emergency in which

a/an ____________________ will probably be necessary.

a. Oxygen tent.


b. Tracheostomy.


c. Appendectomy.


d. Blood transfusion.


37. For adult tonsillectomies, _______________ anesthesia is usually used.

a. General.


b. Local.


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