Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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a. Discussion. Instrument cards contain information as to the "basic" instruments and other items used for the various kinds of operations (such as appendectomy, cholecystectomy, tonsillectomy, and so forth). The selection of instruments for a given operation is made in accordance with information on the appropriate card in this file.


b. Basic Instruments. The instruments with which an operation may be performed are classified as the basic instruments (or basic set) for that operation. Therefore, each card in this file has recorded on it the name of the operation, the names of the instruments needed, the sizes (for instruments available in different sizes), and the number of each kind of instrument to be included.


c. Other Items. Items not considered instruments (such as drains, safety pins, and so forth) but needed to perform the operation are also listed on the instrument card.



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