Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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Good personal hygiene is of particular importance, since it helps to protect the patient and team members from getting an infection. The OR specialist should shampoo his hair daily because both hair and dandruff harbor bacteria. He should shower at least once a day with antibacterial soap, use a deodorant, and put on clean underwear and socks after each shower. Oral hygiene is also important for the control of both bacteria and offensive odors. The specialist must give special attention to his hands--he should wash and scrub them frequently, and he should keep his nails well trimmed. He should have two pairs of shoes for use in the OR suite and should wear them alternately, allowing one pair to air while wearing the other pair. The specialist should not wear scrub clothes outside of the surgical suite. It should be against regulations for personnel to enter the OR who have infections of the nose or throat, who are known to be carriers of infectious diseases, or who have open sores.



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