Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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The Chief, Department of Surgery (or Chief of Surgery) is a general surgeon of the Medical Corps and is responsible for a broad range of functions, as described below.


a. Overall Responsibilities. The Chief of Surgery is responsible for the diagnosis, the medical care and treatment, and the proper disposition of patients assigned or referred to the department of surgery. In addition, he has various other responsibilities, including administrative duties related to the MC Officers assigned to the department of surgery.


b. Responsibilities Related to Each Surgical Service. The chief of each surgical service (see figure 2-1) is accountable to the Chief, Department of Surgery, for the performance of patient care and treatment and also for the performance of certain other functions in the management of patient care, such as the appropriate maintenance of records. Within each surgical service are MC Officer personnel who may be classified in one of the following groups:

(1) Those certified in specialties by accrediting boards.


(2) Those in various stages of training as residents.


(3) Those in an internship program.




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