Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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a. Discussion. Manipulative procedures are those in which a condition is corrected by handling and maneuvering the disordered part. Terms used to indicate such procedures are as follows:

(1) Dilatation--the enlargement of a part by the use of an instrument.


(2) Closed reduction--the alignment of a fractured bone without making an incision.


Procedure                         Site


Capsulorrhaphy                 -suturing of a joint capsule.


Myorrhaphy                       -suturing of muscle.


Tenorrhaphy                      -suturing of a tendon.


Fasciorrhaphy                   -suturing of a fascia.


Neurorrhaphy                    -suturing of a nerve.


Blepharorrhaphy                -suturing of an eyelid.


Glossorrhaphy                   -suturing of the tongue.


Laryngorrhaphy                  -suturing of the larynx.


Cardiorrhaphy                    -suturing of the heart.


Arteriorrhaphy                    -suturing of an artery.


Gastrorrhaphy                    -suturing of the stomach.


Cystorrhaphy                     -suturing of the urinary bladder.


Herniorrhaphy                    -repair of a hernia.


Colporrhaphy                     -suturing of the vagina.


Trachelorrhaphy                 -suturing of the uterine cervix.



Table 2-2. Suturing procedures.


(3) Open reduction--the alignment of a fractured bone through an incision.


(4) Application--the putting of materials on the patient (sometimes this requires the maneuvering of a part, such as in the application of a plaster cast).

b. Procedure.


(1) Dilatation

--of esophagus.


--of anal sphincter.


--of urethra.


--of uterine cervix.

(2) Reduction.

(a) Open --open reduction of femur.


--open reduction of dislocated hip joint.


(b) Closed --closed reduction of humerus.


--closed reduction of dislocated ankle joint.


(3) Application--of plaster cast to right forearm.

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