Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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a. Discussion. These are surgical procedures that involve a breaking down of tissues.


b. Clasis. Fracture or refracture.


Osteoclasis--refracture of bone.


c. Tripsy. Crush.


Neurotripsy--crushing of a nerve.


d. Lysis. Free (from adhesions).

(1) Neurolysis--freeing of a nerve.


(2) Pericardiolysis--freeing of the pericardium.

e. Other Procedures.

(1) Cauterization (destruction of tissue with heat, electricity, or chemical action).


Cauterization of cut blood vessels to seal them off and prevent further



(2) Fulguration (destruction of tissue with high-frequency electric sparks).


Destruction of a lesion (such as ulcerated tissue) of the head, neck,

trunk, or the extremities by fulguration.


(3) Diathermy (heating of tissue with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation).


Cyclodiathermy--destruction of a portion of the ciliary body of the eye by

diathermy; may be performed in the treatment of glaucoma (condition of

the eye characterized by increased intraocular pressure).


(4) Debridement (removal of contamination, contaminated tissue, and unhealthy tissue).


Debridement--of a wound of the head, neck, trunk, or limbs.



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